Monday, January 16, 2017

Crochet Woven Basket

I think we've all been having the "Back to Work Blahs" so I haven't been working on anything big (sewing, etc.). I did cash in the rest of my Christmas gift cards on a few more sewing supplies, some yarn, and a magazine of crochet patterns. I was pretty psyched about the crochet patterns because they were for things besides scarves, hats, and blankets! One of the patterns that caught my eye was this woven basket pattern. I thought this might be a good way to use up some of the yarn I had in my craft closet and learn a few new stitches.

The yarn in the basket is only a *small* sampling of all the yarn I have left in my closet

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Busy Sewing Weekend!

What can I say - Christmas was very good to my sewing room this year! Hubby gifted me with a new sewing machine (a Singer Confidence - helloooo, automatic tension and fancy stitches!), my mother-in-law gifted me with a dress form, Mom gave me a new iron and pressing cloth set, and a variety of enablers other people gave me enough gift cards to truly go bananas buying fabric at Jo-Ann's. The result was a whirlwind New Year's weekend spent sewing actual clothes - not costumes - for the first time in my life.

Also please note that dress forms make for the best post-sewing photoshoots. Now you don't have to see my "I've been locked in my sewing machine all weekend" hair :)

As intended without belt
Belt added on a whim
The biggest project of the weekend was this red t-shirt dress. Some of you may be looking at this and thinking "hey, doesn't that look kind of like..." Yes. You are correct. This is the same pattern I modified to make my red Star Trek dress over the summer. The dress was so comfy and the color was so fun that I decided I wanted a "real" version I could actually wear to work without looking crazy very enthusiastic about my fandoms. It uses the McCall's 7122 "Look, Ma, I'm Sewing" basic, basic pattern. The dress is kind of a sack shape which I think they mean to be a "swing dress" or something. I wasn't sure it looked right so I ended up using some extra fabric to make a belt. However now I'm not sure I'll use the belt. ::shrug:: For what the dress lacks in shape, it makes up for in ease to make.