Friday, September 7, 2018

Dragon*Con 2018: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies - SUCCESS!

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies cosplay
Preparing for turn in a prettyish kind of a little wilderness
I recently returned from another amazing Dragon*Con weekend, and wanted to actually - ACTUALLY - finish updating the blog on my costume progress from the event. Sadly, in years past I've been too exhausted/sick/lazy after the event to actually post costume updates, so (for example) you will not find any evidence of my 2016 Rey from The Force Awakens or the conclusion of my 2017 Dolores from Westworld on the blog (unless future me has retroactively added entries on them out of guilt!), but I'm hoping to start some new habits for the next year.

So. This costume. This costume turned out fabulously! While I did not look like the Elizabeth Bennet from the Pride and Prejudice and Zombies film, I definitely felt like the zombie-murdering Elizabeth Bennet of our hearts. Plus, I was recognizable enough to merit several picture requests from strangers and multiple accolades from passers-by (or expressions of alarm upon noticing the severed head they hadn't registered at first glance).

One of the highlights of my Dragon Con was actually the author Naomi Novik, who, after signing my copy of Spinning Silver, asked to take MY picture!! *extreme fangirling*

In addition to the overall look of it, the costume was mostly comfortable enough to wear all day (although I strongly recommend against trouncing in it across Centennial Park in 90 degree weather) and accomplish the usual Dragon*Con tasks of standing in line, sitting on the floor, lugging merchandise you couldn't resist buying, and eating/drinking with wild abandon (empire waists work miracles).

On top of that, I was so so so proud of the work I did to make this a durable, properly made Regency gown that I hope I can wear to many a Jane Austen event in the future. Let me break down the elements behind this look below.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Dragon*Con 2018: Pride and Prejudice and Zombies - Getting Started

Dragon*Con is right around the corner, and while I plan to wear several of the same costumes as last year with a few alterations, I did finally (belatedly) decide to make at least one costume to wear. So...
"It is a truth universally acknowledged that a zombie
in possession of brains must be in want of more brains."
I decided to to try to make an Elizabeth Bennet costume from Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, a zany remake of the classic in which Elizabeth and Darcy's budding romance has to take a few pause breaks to slaughter zombies. It's delightful, actually.

Tuesday, November 7, 2017

Jade Brocade Formal Dress

Have you ever rage-sewed anything?

Look, I fully intended to keep to my plan of "no more sewing for the fall" since I had such a hectic summer sewing costumes for Dragon Con, however I became very angry with Nordstrom's recently as I was shopping for a dress to wear to our cousin's wedding, and when I become angry, apparently I get shit done become resourceful rather quickly.

Hopefully the rage wasn't too noticeable in the final product

So here's the story.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Crochet Baby Pumpkins

Today I want to share with you these three adorable little crochet pumpkins I made for my niece and two nephews! I was feeling the Fall Spirit a little early, and these were actually complete weeks ago -- but I wanted to be sure the packages had safely arrived before I showed them off on the blog.

Monday, August 28, 2017

Handmaid's Tale Costume

I had the wonderful experience of reading The Handmaid's Tale for the first time earlier this year. While the book was nothing like I expected it to be (somehow I had it in my mind that it was futuristic science-fiction, not near-future post-apocalyptic), it made quite an impression on me. You can read my Goodreads review of the book to hear more about my impressions. I had chosen to read this book finally (after years of hearing nothing but amazing things about it) because I knew Hulu was making an adaptation of the novel for a television show this year. 

While the show struck me completely differently than the novel (the dangers of adaptations...), it was still neat to be able to visualize fully the world Margaret Atwood had created. So when someone presented the idea of doing a Handmaid's Tale costume for Dragon Con this year, I eased into the idea of sewing my own. Because of the popularity of the show and the surprising (or maybe not?) choice of many liberal protesters to wear the iconic red costumes, there was no shortage of costumes out there to buy. But, the guilt of buying something that I could definitely make was too strong, and so I set out to sewing. 
"Blessed Be the Fruit."
Of course, I've been busy making Dolores for most of the summer, so this costume was made over the past two weekends. Probably about 12 hours of sewing all told. At least I was able to re-use Dolores' boots for this one!

"Under His Eye."

Monday, August 14, 2017

Westworld Cosplay: Making the Bodice

While it only seems like a few days to you, it's actually been several weeks for me working on the bodice of Dolores' costume! I am actually so ridiculously impressed with myself by how this turned out. Sure, I can't lift my arms higher than shoulder-height, but if I stand really still it's still gorgeous to behold. 
Are you beholding yet? Reference photos in last post
Because there was quite a lot that could go wrong with this, what with having to improvise on the pattern, having to add ribbon, having to make the shaped hemline, convincing my machine to sew buttonholes, etc... I decided the first thing to do was to create a mock-up using some spare fabric.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Westworld Costume: Planning and Preparing Stages

I'll bet you all were wondering when I was going to start posting Dragon Con costume progress, huh?

Well, while I am definitely procrastinating, I have not been idle! I have been planning my two big costumes (that's right - I SAID TWO) for Dragon Con for months now. In June, I decide to take the plunge and commit to my most complicated costume, Dolores from Westworld.

If you haven't seen Westworld and you like robots in cowboy hats, you need to get on the bandwagon. It does contain a fair amount of gore and naked people though, so you may want to watch it through your fingers scrunched up over your eyes.

"Some people choose to see the ugliness in this world. The disarray. I choose to see the beauty." - Dolores