Sunday, May 22, 2016

Rainbow Crochet Baby Blanket for New Nephew

My brand new nephew is here!  And I couldn't wait to practice my newly-learned crochet pattern, the V-Stitch, on a new blanket for him.

I was inspired by this tutorial on my new favorite crafting blog, Repeat Crafter Me.  I love how she takes such a traditionally "grandma" craft like crochet and updates it with modern patterns and color schemes.  I can't wait to try more from her in the future.

If you photograph it folded, they'll never see the wonky edges
I was surprised at how easy this blanket was.  Once I got the hang of the pattern I didn't have to count stitches anymore and the frequent color changes meant I didn't have to count rows anymore either.  That made for easy, relaxing work I could do while half-distracted by the TV.

Materials used:
  •  Lion Brand Vanna's Choice yarn in Silver Gray (2), White (1 whole), and maybe only a quarter skein each in Cranberry, Terra Cotta, Mustard, Fern, and Sapphire.
  • Size H crochet hook
  • Approximately one week of work 

I can't wait to try another afghan!  I have some color scheme ideas for a blanket for my niece in the future, maybe as a Christmas gift.  Until then my next crochet project will probably be one of Repeat Crafter Me's adorable little animal hats (that's hats that look like animals, not hats FOR animals).

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