Monday, May 9, 2016

The art of "Procraftinating"

Update:  My Latin-speaking husband has recommended I use the term "Procraftinating" as opposed to "Craftcrastinating" because it actually makes sense.  Suggestion taken under advisement.

OK, I'm not totally to blame for not working on my Outlander costume anymore this week.  I did have to wait for the jersey needle to come in (though I could have just driven to the store to purchase it instead...).  However, mostly I'm nervous to start the costume because I'm afraid it will be too difficult and I will mess up and then I will be sad.

But that's OK - I'm apparently at my most productive when I'm procrastinating.  Or in this case, "Procraftinating".

First up, I spent an entire evening assembling this gorgeous beast.

Note the multiple stacks of as-yet unused fabric
The dimensions are slightly smaller than I thought they would be, but I am able to store most of my crafting supplies in here.  I have a section for sewing, crochet, coloring/drawing, and even my old scrapbooking stuff from back before I figured out that making digital photobooks and then printing them was way, way easier.  Hopefully now that I can see all my stuff I'll be more likely to use it!

Second, this box of loveliness arrived.

Have you ever seen such a beautiful sight?
The timing of this package coincided beautifully with the birth of my brand new baby nephew, so of course all the presses had to be halted while I started a crochet project for him!  Stay tuned for the results :)

Third, I'm still pecking away at the my woven wall hanging project.  I'm actually really, really pleased with it and can't wait to show it off when it's done!  Until then, enjoy this sneak preview.

Hahaha... yes, I have actually made more progress than this picture suggests.

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