Saturday, May 28, 2016

Purple Woven Wall Hanging

A few months ago, I started a new job and got my own office for the first time in my life.  I wasted no time decorating the space behind my desk so that when people walked in I would be framed by colorful clutter artfully eclectic decorations.  However the space directly across from my desk, which no one sees but me, is completely blank but for a retro wall clock I found in the supply room.  The cinderblock wall even has a screw installed in it, just waiting for something to hang on it.

I already had some posters and picture frames in my office and I was craving something a little different to put there.  Something 3-dimensional with a bit of texture.  Then I remembered a girl on my Facebook list who made these textile wall hangings (Shout out to Rachel, not even sure if you read my page, but if you do, thanks for the inspiration!).  I always wondered exactly how she made these things or where she even got the ideas for them.  I decided I wanted to learn about it and try to make one on my own.

It's supposed to look like that, I promise.

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Rainbow Crochet Baby Blanket for New Nephew

My brand new nephew is here!  And I couldn't wait to practice my newly-learned crochet pattern, the V-Stitch, on a new blanket for him.

Monday, May 9, 2016

The art of "Procraftinating"

Update:  My Latin-speaking husband has recommended I use the term "Procraftinating" as opposed to "Craftcrastinating" because it actually makes sense.  Suggestion taken under advisement.

OK, I'm not totally to blame for not working on my Outlander costume anymore this week.  I did have to wait for the jersey needle to come in (though I could have just driven to the store to purchase it instead...).  However, mostly I'm nervous to start the costume because I'm afraid it will be too difficult and I will mess up and then I will be sad.

But that's OK - I'm apparently at my most productive when I'm procrastinating.  Or in this case, "Procraftinating".

First up, I spent an entire evening assembling this gorgeous beast.

Note the multiple stacks of as-yet unused fabric
The dimensions are slightly smaller than I thought they would be, but I am able to store most of my crafting supplies in here.  I have a section for sewing, crochet, coloring/drawing, and even my old scrapbooking stuff from back before I figured out that making digital photobooks and then printing them was way, way easier.  Hopefully now that I can see all my stuff I'll be more likely to use it!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Crochet Cowl - Another Outlander Inspiration

While I'm waiting on the special sewing machine needle to come in the mail so I can finish my Outlander dress, I decided to occupy my time with some other crafts!

Outlander has apparently caused quite a stir in the crochet and knitting community because of its plethora of fabulous cowls, wraps, etc.  As such, there has been an explosion of copy-cat patterns emerging online.  Learning to properly crochet has been on my crafting to-do list ever since a few friends and I decided to pick it up together a few months ago.  I understand how to do the various stitches, but following patterns has been the bane of my existence.  I have been trying and failing at a shell pattern scarf over the past month, and so decided to take myself back to Crochet 101 and follow an Outlander pattern I found online.